Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Family

We're a Christian homeschooling family of 5. We live in a rural area. (As in the closest Wal-Mart is an hour away.) We live on a small farm in a small house. We have chickens, a cow, dogs, cats, and rabbits. In addition, you may find an additional kiddo or two running around (or in someone's arms). We foster children and occasionally baby-sit. Yup, we stay busy.

I'm a Speech-Language Pathologist by profession. I do work part-time at a local-ish (Remember Wal-Mart's an hour away.) school district. I mostly fill in when an SLP is going to be out for awhile or when districts need some extra help. I also scrapbook and crochet when I do get a free moment.

 (Nope, no picture! I always have the camera. LOL)

Big Man, husband

Big Man is my wonderful hubby of 10 years! He is a youth minister at our church. He is entirely too patient with me. He also homeschools our children if I'm working. He can cook and clean too. Yeah, he's amazing.

Little Man, 8 yrs old

Little Man's favorite activity is tagging after Big Man. He also loves Legos. He enjoys farming, helping with the animals, his dog especially, and riding his bike. What doesn't he like? Reading and writing. At all.

(No this is not near our home. He was in Arizona on a mission trip with Big Man.)

Pony Girl, 6 yrs old

Pony Girl loves to move and dance. And sing. Loudly. And yes, she likes horses. Unlike her brother, she loves to read. She takes after her mama.

Peanut, 4 yrs old

Peanut loves to play and color. She loves to pull out the art supplies and make something. If you stick around very long, you're bound to have some type of a project handed to you.

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